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ODBC Broker





I have modified the project found at for a client.






It can now convert blobs into base 64 string for K2 to consume.






I also added in parameterization,








I am wondering if you have used this with postgresql? I keep getting the error code (ERROR [42601]) from using the older dll. Any ideas on how to get it to work with postresql? Thanks, Scot

Hi there,


Thanks for sharing!  


When I open up the .sln, I get a couple errors of missing project files:



SourceCodeANZ.SmartObjects.Services.ODBCSourceCodeANZ.SmartObjects.Services.ODBC.csproj : error : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find

a part of the path '....SourceCodeANZ.SmartObjects.Services.ODBCSourceCodeANZ.SmartObjects.Services.ODBC.csproj'.


SourceCodeANZ.Forms.Controls.ClockControlSourceCodeANZ.Forms.Controls.ClockControl.csproj : error : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path '...SourceCodeANZ.Forms.Controls.ClockControlSourceCodeANZ.Forms.Controls.ClockControl.csproj'. 


The Solution still successfully builds (creates DLL), but I can't determine if these are required... if so, where might they be located?



Bruce Rodgers

Thanks for sharing this.

Could you send example config parameters?

Whatever I put into the parameters I just get 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.

Any documentation would be helpful.




Has anyone used this? What do you have to put in the ColumnMappings field when configuring a service instance? A sample config screenshot would be nice


I get the same results as Chris above - I believe it's related to not having the proper XML string in the ColumnMappings field - what format is it expecting?

To whom it may concern - Similar to another post in this thread that has no reply I am wondering if the ODBC broker will work with PostgreSQL. Thank you in advance for your time.
