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I was trying to obtain the user's info (eg. name,department,office,address) from the Active Directory onto the K2 smartform.
I was able to get the user's "GivenName" property value but I got the following error while attempting to obtain the department and office properties values:

Handling of this ADSVALUE type is not yet implemented (type = 0xb).

Pls anyone assist me on this issue. 😢
Thanks in advance.

Are you using System.DirectoryServices to get the info?

Include a code snippet and maybe I can help.
Yes..I am using the System.DirectoryServices....Here is the code snippet..Thanks in advance for your help


if (null == result)
return ("Data Not Found");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error obtaining user information. " + ex.Message);
return dept;


I am not sure if the problem is with the code or in your Active Directory.
I tried the following code on the Training VPC and it works, maybe you can test this code on your system?
txtDept.Text = dept;
else txtDept.Text = "Department not defined for " + txtUserID.Text;
catch (Exception ex)
txtDept.Text = ex.Message;

well...i tried deon... but it still was the same error... 😢
