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I added an new web request to the Nintex form. When I try to connect the "ID Connected to" field, I get an error "The server encountered an error processing the request. The message is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Any idea what I can do to get past this?

More specifically: 

06/01/2017 13:23:31.27 w3wp.exe (0x12F0)                       0x1238 Nintex Forms                   Front End                     00000 Unexpected Failed to retrieve form control for canvas. Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. Stack trace:    at Nintex.Forms.SharePoint.Services.NfWcfService.GetUpdatedFormControlForCanvas(FormControlProperties formControlProperties, FormVariable variable) 

This is an odd one. It looks like this was happening because I didn't have a site collection at the absolute root in the test environment I was developing in. Even though I was in a completely different site collection, it turns out I needed one at the root. Today I learned.

What was the solution?  When I go to the hyperlink that says Go to Solution it takes me to the original issue.  
