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We have a purchasing form that uses Nintex Form and SharePoint Designer WF. The form submits ok, but after a user submits the form, the next step is for an associate to assign the task to themselves. Once they put their name into the "People Lookup" field, it throws this error: 

This is happening to myself and one other user (IE and Chrome) but a few others say they are able to access right away. If you want 5-10 minutes, then I can access the form with no issue.

My question is: When you update a form field with a username from AD, does it take a bit to parse through that? It seems like it shows up on the list immediately, but we cannot access the form for a period of time.

If people picker shows you the name there should not be any delay or parsing time needed.

Is the people picker working as expected? Does it give you a list of found people and after selecting one it's named inside the control?

Yeah it's working correctly, and routing the emails like it should. Just there is a delay for some reason.

So this seems to be intermittent. I received the same error message up above after I assigned the form to myself. I tried to view and edit to the issue. But I dug around in a few forums and came back to the item and it loaded just fine? 

Yet another layer. If they completely close out their browser and open the list back up, then it loads just fine. I'm seeing this across all browsers. Is there some caching going on that could be causing this?

There could be various causes for this behaviour but it is not normal and should be reported to Nintex support. They will get in touch with you and can also check logs for the correlation ID. So I fear that community won't be able to help you with this. I'm sorry.

However, after you worked this out with Nintex Support it would be helpful to post the solution here to help others if they run into the same problem.

Best regards


I got a hold of them yesterday Enrico. Thanks and I'll be sure to provide an answer once we get it sorted out.

I ended up fixing this issue by removing that field from the Form and creating a new people picker field. I then in the Workflow have the new field write to the field I deleted to keep it updated. Because the Nintex form isn't pulling it in anymore, it's not giving me that error.

Still not sure why my column data field is messed up, but at least that department isn't mad at me anymore happy.png

