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I have an NT security group that have 3 members. I'm just wondering if i can assign the security group instead of adding each user as an approver to my workflow?

If not any workaround?




Sure you can.  When setting your destination rule you can go to the Context Browser>User Browser>Groups>K2 and select your Active Directory group.

Of course you can create a role in the K2 Workspace which includes the AD group and assign the Role in the destination rule as well.

Thanks! Its making sense now. I just realize that i added a distributon email group and not a AD group. Users are complaining that they cannot action the workflow and getting an error becuase the way they access the workflow is thru the distribution email group mailbox. And when i change this to an actual AD group, they receive the workflow notification separately from their own mailbox and able to action the workflow successfully.

Thanks again for your help

