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Hello K2 community, I'm just wondering if it's possible to email notify participants when no slots are available?


Basically I have a client event with 4 destination users and only 1 available slot.  So whomever is the first to respond will end the event.  I could send an email after the event has been completed, but I'm thinking if a destination user opens the task and is still reviewing it while another one attempts to open it, they will not be able to because the available slot has been occupied but the event itself has not yet been completed.  I wish to send an email as soon as the slot is occupied.


Has anyone been able to accomplish this?  If so, how?


Many thanks in advance,



I think this should be possible although i have not done it before. I was wondering maybe you can do it this way. I assume that you are using smartforms.


The trigger to notify could be when someone successfully opens the formas when they open the form I assume that the task would then be allocated to them.


-Create two datalabels , IsNotified and Destinations;

-When you get the destination users for that activity, store that in a "Destinations" data label (preferably xml)

-Assign the task.

-User goes an opens smartform with serial number.

-If that is succesfully, you can then copy the destinations datalabel and IsNotified DataLabel

-Now write a method that takes the current user and that list of destinations and then returns a list of emails except the main user.

-if IsNotified = false (send the email to that stirng of email addresses saying task has been allocated to current user now)

-update the datalable IsNotified to true so that if the same user opens the form again it wont notify the other users again


I hope that makes some sense and gives you some ideas.


It is a little unclear to me, but I will start by saying that I am not using smartforms; I am creating my workflow in K2 for Visual Studio with InfoPath integration.


Having said that, I can't think of how this could be possible.  Can you trigger email events in SmartForms within the form itself?  Or are you suggesting to write some code into the form to do it?

I see. I dont have any experience with using infopath so I cannot say but in Smartforms you can send emails from the form out of the box. There is no custom code required.


