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In the BP workspace, when I try to go into the Notification Event Designer, the workspace just hangs on the spinning waiting daisy wheel.

The Report Designer does the same thing when I try to edit an existing custom report.

Has anybody experienced this? Feedback appreciated, thanx.



This happens because Internet Explorer Enhanced Security is enabled.

You have two choices, the latter being recommended:

  1. Remove Internet Explorer Enhanced Security using Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components, or
  2. Add the Workspace Site URL to the Trusted Sites Zone and set this zone's security to Low.

This should resolve your problem.

Hope it helped!

Hi Johan,

IE Enhaned security even played havoc on the 2003 workspace, so that is the 1st thing I disable, I also immediately put all my BP and 2003 sites in the Local Intranet zone which has even lower security than trusted, in fact, if you want IE to use integrated windows authentication the site must be in Local Intranet.

According to this KB:

"Internet Explorer's Intranet zone security setting must be set to Automatic logon only in Intranet zone. This is the default setting for Internet Explorer."

So, I always recommed that intranet sites are put in the Intranet Zone and not the Trusted Sites Zone.


This happens on my XP box, can't find a resolution.  The site has been specifically added to the "Local Intranet", and the settings for that zone are LOW.



If it is not IE Enhanced Security nor Trusted Sites/Local Intranet Zone then there is something wrong with your EventBus Server.

Make sure MSMQ is installed on your K2 Server. Also start K2 Server in Console mode and view the output. There might be some errors seen with regards to the EventBus Server and this might help you troubleshoot the problem.

Thank you for the reply Johan, I checked everything you sugested:

- MSMQ is installed and running

- Console mode does not show 1 single error

- The same 'hanging' behaviour is experienced when I view a report and click on the Cancel button??

Here is the output from Console mode:

Info    7004 All Dependencies Loaded
Info    7021 Assembly Execution Path successfully updated
Info    7023 Loading Event Bus Server
Info    7005 Configuration settings initialized
Info    7032 Initialization Check Successfull
Info    7013 Service registered with ID:9 running on machine: CYGNUSK2
Info    7022 Event Bus Server Loaded Successfully
Info    7010 MSMQ Thread Listing

I have reinstalled my Workspace, Reporting services, etc.  And I am still having this problem.  This is preventing me ultimately from deploying solutions.  Please find a resolution!

Hi Deon,

A shot in the dark but I have seen similar behavior when users are not authenticated properly - for instance in a distributed enviroment with users coming through as NT_AuthorityAnonymous.

First, have you enabled verbose logging in the console (HostServerLogging.config)?

Have you maybe checked the Eventlog for any Security/Application failures?



Hi Ockert, thanx for the suggestion.

It appears to be something totally different which caused the problem: IE6.

I did nothing other than install IE7 and the problem went away - not that I'm very impressed. Forcing customers to, not only use one company's browser but furthermore forcing a version onto them just seems wrong.

But then again, opening the workspace in firefox is rather amuzing ;-)

I've just encountered the exact same issue on a new environment I've set... Spinning AJAX "loading" wheel, nothing happening in the Server Console, Workspace hung. Installing IE 7 is not an option in any way.

Have you something new about this?


I've seen that "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security" should be uninstalled from the server running Workspace to solve this problem. So on the server follow the steps I mentioned in a previous post to remove the component.

You do not need to do this on the client machine.

Not exactly sure why this is, but I think it has something to do with AJAX or something.


Actually, I already did that. I tested the workspace from the server itself first, so I removed Enhanced Security from this machine but I doidn't work.After that, I tried from another machine, removed the Enhanced Security two, and had the same problem.

I also tried with different user accounts, with different rights (event the service account), and the spinning wheel is still here, mocking me...

There must be something else.

Wait wait wait! When I open internet explorer with a "new" user, I get the message box saying "Enhanced Security Configuration is currently enabled on your server [...]".

What the hell !! The component has been removed from "Add or remove programs", but I still have this message! (I don't have it with my regular user account because I must have ticked the 'do not display again' checkbox).

Do any of you know how to really deactivate Enhanced Security?


To my knowledge Add/Remove Programs is the only place where you have to remove this setting.

Perhaps try to put it back and then remove it again, might work.

Otherwise I suggest a Google search for removing Internet Explorere Enhanced Security.

Hope this helps.

That would have been too easy... I already tried that, unfortunately. However, I logged on the server with the service account (instead of running IE as the service account) and the message box disappeared, confirming the Enhanced Security configuration had been removed. But if I do "run as" with another account, I stille get the "Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled" box. Probably a little Microsoft bug on this side.

Anyway, Enhanced Security is disabled and the spinning wheel is still here. I submitted a ticket for this, I hope there's a real cause behind this blocking behaviour.

I was quite desperate, so I tried different things I already did, and... now it works.

Here is the (or "my", as it may not work in other cases) solution: once you've removed the Enhanced Security thingy, run K2 Blackpearl configuration wizard again... I swear it didn't work before I run this wizard. Considering my previous post, it may also be necessary to log on the machine using your K2 service account to be sure Enhanced Security is disabled for this account (even if I removed the component, I still had the message box saying it's enabled).

Thank you, rerunning the config manager and a reboot solved the problem for me.

I've followed both of the following steps:

  1. Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security (windows server 2008) 
  2. Add the Workspace Site URL to the Trusted Sites Zone and set this zone's security to Low.

The spinning wheel disappeared, but now,  when i chose the Primary Data Source to include in my report, nothing is shown!(all the SmartObject work fine). 

Did you already experience that?

Thanks for any help.
