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When using a Smartforms SharePoint People Picker as a destination for an email, the email will not send. The error in Workspace shows "The email address: number] is invalid" or "The email address: user's display name] is invalid" The error changes based on which item reference is used: Item Reference] or Item Reference](Value)


We established that the Item reference is returning exactly what the SharePoint column contains, either the display name for the user, or the user's SharePoint ID. We needed to resolve the user to return the email address for a mail event, or the active directory name for a client event.


We were able to use the URM Service > Users SmartObject, and resolve the display name using the "Get Users" method. We hardcoded the label "K2" and used eItem Reference](Value) in the "Display Name" field. We selected "Email" as the return field, which allowed the email to send successfully. For a client event, you would use the "Name" property as the return field.

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