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The problem is when a process was selected and the form is diplayed after 10 min expires and the client whant to submit the form to start a process, the form is again displayed with all the information entered and no process was started for this submition. If the client enters all the information and submit the form with in 10 min a message is diplayed The form was submitted successfully. Is there a place to change the time to make it say 15 min?
The default session time-out on IIS is 20 min. This period can be changed from IIS, please refer to the IIS documentation for more details on this.
On our development environment I set the session timeout to 1 minute and the ASP script timeout to 60 seconds on the Default Web Site , Workflow (virtual directory, were the aspx process pages is), Workspace and WorkspaceService under K2V3 (virtual directory) and the K2V3 (virtual directory). I also set the connection timeout to 60 seconds on the Default Web Site . After all of this I opened a Web page in Workflow. I left the web page open for 15 min (even left one for 50 minutes) and submit the form. It still submits the form and brings up the message The form was submitted successfully . I compared all Web.config and machine.config file from both servers and it is identical. My problem is that I must correct the problem on the live server, but I can not simulate the problem in the develop environment. I am not so sure it is a timeout that course this problem. Can anybody help?
