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When opening a K2 Project Item in K2 Studio, the status bar shows a message "A connection to the K2 Server could not be established" or "Not connected to K2 server"

This also affects the ability to deploy workflows from K2 Studio.


This would normally suggest that there is an incorrect value in the configuration settings.

First, check the K2 Server connection settings under File > Options:
- Ensure that the Server specified is correct,
- Ensure that the Host Server port is correct (Default 5555)
- If there are credentials supplied, make sure it is valid as well.

Next, do the same checks on the Workflow Server Environment Field using the Object Browser:
- Ensure that the Host Name specified is correct, it should be the same as above.
- Ensure that the Host Port number is correct. Please note that this is different from above. (Default 5252).
- If there are credentials supplied, make sure it is valid as well.


It was found that the Workflow Server Environment Field was using the wrong port number. After correcting it, workflows were able to be deployed once again.

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