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We are experiencing a problem with some of our workflow processes where an action to complete an InfoPath form goes to multiple users in a destination queue (we have user groups set up in AD which we apply to the relevant destination queue). When the action is assigned only one of the users can see the submit button on the K2.Net task pane. I have been looking at this and I have noticed that the user that can see the submit button is always the last destination that is assigned by K2. (I programmed in some logging to prove this)

Also, when one of the users opens the form, should the status of that worklist item go to 'Open'. Currently all the worklist items stay at the 'Active' status even when the action is opened?

I can't understand why this is problem is occuring for some of our processes and not on others when the code looks the same.
I think the problem lies in the fact that you have specified a Temp file name in your Infopath process template. If you do specify a temp file name, every destination user's file will be overwritten with the next user's file - leaving ONLY the last destination user's file and therefore the ability to submit the page ONLY to the last dest user.

You need to either leave the temp file name blank (K2Server will create unique temp files for each destination user) or create unique temp file names for each destination user in code.

Just a correction...
Worklist Items haven't got an 'Active' status. The statusses of Worklist Items can be 'Available', 'Open', 'Allocated' or 'Expired'.

The status of an Infopath client event will ONLY change to 'Open' when one of the destination users actually SUBMIT the page - and NOT when a user opens the page for viewing.

Hope this helps,
