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Hi all,

I am facing some strange problem in my k2 process.

my requirement goes like this: I have 3 activity ( Group A Activity, Group B Activity, Group C Activity).  Based on Line rule the flow goes further.

If ID=A then exeutes Gropu A Activity

if ID=B then exeutes Gropu B Activity

if ID=C then exeutes Gropu C Activity

 Group A and C is working fine. Now the problem is, group B Activity is not working. When i checked the View flow for Group B Activity. Line rule succeeded.. but activity stuck with something. No error and no Task created for that particular Activity. sometime the same Group B activity executed succssefully.  

also tried the below steps:

- Deleted and Created the activity

- Verified the Destination user List ( everything is fine)

 Any one faced "Activity got stuck" problem?


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