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When assigning workspace rights to users, you might lock yourself out of workspace if you don't assign appropriate rights to yourself as well.




When performing a "fresh" install, no rights are set in workspace. In this "state", everyone has rights to go anywhere in workspace. Once you start assigning workspace rights, only the selected users will have access to those tabs and everyone else, will not have access to those tabs anymore.


Please refer to official K2 KB000291 dedicated to "Security Management in K2 blackpearl Workspace" as well as "K2 Workspace Security" section of K2 documentations for details.





To get around the problem, you can ask someone that has rights to give you appropriate rights in workspace.

Or you can truncated the "nK2].dWorkspace].[ActionPermission]" table. This way, you will remove all the permissions you have set in workspace. By doing this, everyone will have rights everywhere again.

To truncate this table, you can perform the following steps.
- Connect to the SQL instance that is hosting you K2 DB.
- Expand: /Server] > Databases > K2 > Tables.
- Make your way to the "Workspace.ActionPermission" table.
- Run the following command with a user with sufficient rights
TRUNCATE TABLE NK2]. Workspace].[ActionPermission]



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