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No indication of Escalation in Process Overview Report in K2 Workspace


In K2.NET 2003 Process Overview report, there is a visual indicator that shows that the activity has escalated or an escalation has occurred. However, in K2 BP 4.6.9, I don’t see such indicator in the Process Overview report.


Currently, this feature does not exist in K2 Blackpearl 4.6.9 as such this ticket was associated with a feature request to be implemented in a future update.

Some possible workarounds:
The creation of Smartobject from the "tables" service objects exposed as a temporary workaround until this feature can be implemented in a future release we do not recommend nor support the creation of additional stored procedures/views in the K2 database.

Please also know that if you do decide to use this workaround, should the structure of these tables change in an upgrade this can results in these Smartobjects failing.

Another possible workaround may be to use custom code in the escalation rule code-behind, to perhaps update a process data field or process XML field with a flag/date when the escalation code was executes this information can then be viewed in the process reporting:

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