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Hi All,

              I need to update the workflow task list Description column to one of the value in my List Item.

I have one flexi task which contains Approve and reject actions. If the assigned user approve the item then i have to 

update the corresponding workflow task 'Description' column .

Please help




is the task assigned every time to a single user or it could be assigned to multiple users?

In case of just one assignee, you could store the task ID and then you can put in your workflow an update action that updates the task with that specific ID with the text you need..

In case of more than one assignee, if you want to update only the task of the specific person who has approved, you have to store the IDs (in a collection variable), loop through all the tasks in your collection in order to find which one has the right outcome and then update it. If you want to update all of them, you can skip the query part and just loop through the IDs and update the column for all the generated tasks.

