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I migrated a SharePoint project from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2019. The initial project used Nintex Workflow 2010 (on SharePoint 2010). I would like to export these workflows and import them on SharePoint 2019 (using Nintex Workflow 2019).

What I tried so far: I exported the workflows from SharePoint 2010 and imported them on SharePoint 2019. After the import, I published them and they worked fine. So far, everything worked fine.

The issue encountered: However, when I edit the Workflow on SharePoint 2019, republish it, and relaunch it, it gets stuck on some setps. I can't find the cause, I only get the following message : An error has occured in "MyWorkflow", and the step is displayed as incomplete.

My question: Is there any alternative on how to migrate the workflows from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2019 ? The only solution I have in mind is rewriting every workflow manually...


If the workflow publishes with no issues then the issue is the contents of the workflow. It is possibly still configured to look for assets on the old environment.
When the workflow fais look at the graphical view to see what action the workflow stopped on and then look to see if it is looking for something on the previous environment.

Thanks for your reply. I already looked on the graphical view and it doesn't help at all because the action where the workflow stops is :

- For Workflow n°1 : Update Action

- For Workflow n°2 : State Machine

You said: "then look to see if it is looking for something on the previous environment"

How do I do that ?

My SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2019 environment are quite similar (some slight changes on SP2019) but nothing that would impact the Workflows.
