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I have a two lists

List 1: Project Number, Person1, Person 2, Account Number

List 2: Project Number, Person 1, Person 2

Not all the project numbers are in List 2

However, I need to create a workflow or in Nintex Form (preferable in form) that if the Project Number exists in List 2 then pick Person 1 and Person 2. If it doesn't exist then I will send an email to Analyst to fill this information.

Can anyone help?

Thank you!

Hi Pankaj Garg‌,

Create a Nintex workflow in "List 1", insert two set variable actions and create two workflow variables "pplPerson1" and "pplPerson2" of type person or group and set like below.


Instead of "Test Request" give your "List 2" and instead of "ID" choose "Project Number" in both places and repeat for set variable "pplPerson2" also. And insert one "Run If" condition if both variables are empty then send notification to analyst to fill the information.


Lakshmi Narayana C


Is your problem get solved.

