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I'm working with SharePoint 2013 and Nintex Workflow in order to set permissions to certain lists. These lists can hold 5000+ items and for each item a workflow run to set unique permissions. This proces works flawless.

Every month I import a new batch of items by PowerShell, this way I can add thousands of items per run. When that happens a few thousand workflows start, which is not possible due the Nintex workflow limitations (which is fine, otherwise my server would probably hang). 

But every workflow that is put on hold will sent a mail letting me know that it failed to start. You can imagine my Exchange department not being to happy about the thousands of mails. 

Anyone know how I can disable a mail notification based on this specific event (delayed start).

Thank you

Hi Andre,

   You can try creating a Nintex Site WF and schedule it to run according to your needs.



Bashya Rajan A

Hi Bashya Rajan,

Thank you for you idea, it's very helpful. Unfortunately in my scenario I need the permission, while doing a mass change, to be set immediately due compliance reasons. Therefor I cannot wait for a scheduled site workflow.


Hi Andre,

I am not sure if you can disable it for one particular event, rather you could try going to SiteSettings -> Workflow Error & cancellation Notification Settings -> set the value for Send notifications to the workflow initiator to "false"

you could probably disable this once your batch job starts and re-enable it once your batch job has started. 

please do test if this needs an IISreset or Timerjob restart to take immediate effect.



You really shouldn't ignore this error by disabling the notifications. The limitation of workflows that can run at a time is not by Nintex, its by SharePoint. Workflows will be queued once they're too many and if it takes too long to start them, they throw the error you described. This is a first symptom of performance issues caused by too many single item permissions.

Don't accept any other advice than this: Do' not use excessive single item permissions.

Microsoft warns about performance issues (Best practices for using fine-grained permissions in SharePoint Server 2013) and gives some advice to reduce the need of single item permissions like having a scoped document library or using a folder that has the permissions needed.

There is also a good blog article here that gives some information about this topic. It's a bit aged but the information is 100% valid for SharePoint 2013/2016/Office 365 too: 

Once again: To avoid serious performance issues in your farm, please do not have excessive single item permissions and pay attention to first performance issue indicators like long loading times or failing workflows.

Kind regards,

