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Hi Everyone -


I have a Nintex Site Workflow running once a day.  The purpose of it is to compare some fields and update a Status column (for all of the items in the list) accordingly.


It seems as though workflow it set up correctly and is successfully running as I need it to.  HOWEVER, I keep receiving a 'Workflow errored' email every time after it is run.


I have tried to add Pauses or Commit Pending Change actions, but those have not seems to help.  Can anyone have a look and see where I may be going wrong here?  Thank you so much! 

@jmacko15 ...Is there a reason why you're querying again in the for loop? Also remove pause from the end and after each update item action put commit pending changes and see if you're still getting an error message.

What is the error in the ULS logs?

Might be a topology issue.



Just make sure that the same item is not updated at the same time, also check on the comparison data type. Also check on the data updated on the status. minimise the number of reocords retrived.


Did you changed the data type of the column after making the workflow.
