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I am running into an issue when I try to publish a workflow.  First, when I click Publish I get prompted for my user id multiple times (3 times).  If I authenticate 3 times, it then opens the "Set Title and Description" box.  If I hit submit, it tries to authenticate again (3 times).  If I add my password three times, a box then appears saying "401: Unauthorized".  I have full site permissions as an owner.  What is causing this?

Do you face the issue on all workflows on that site or just that specific one?

If the workflow is really big there can be publishing errors because of timeouts happening in the background. How many actions does your workflow contain? 10? 50? 200?

Hello Daniel,

Im facing the same problem, 401:Unauthorized when publishing a nintex workflow only when it contains an "Assign Flexi Task" action. Even though I have Full Control permission.

Please advice if you figured out a way to fix this. Thanks


No, this was a permissions issue with Nintex on the list library I was trying to publish to.  My SharePoint admins were able to set my permissions appropriately, and my issue was resolved.
