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We are try to publish a simple Nintex workflow but getting the below error for particular web application.

Error Message- There is no file with URL

Nintex workflow version (

Below is one example

Exception calling "PublishFromNWFXml" with "4" argument(s): "Server was unable to process request. ---> <nativehr>0x80070003</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>There is no file

with URL sitename/NintexWorkflows/__globallyreusable/test/test.xoml' in this Web."

At D: estPublishWFPublishNintexWF.ps1:28 char:12

+         if($proxy.PublishFromNWFXml($NWFcontent, "" ,$wfName, $true))

+            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) Â], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SoapException

Seems to be a problem on your infrastructure.

I'd test the following:

-Reinstall Nintex

-Try to publish a simple Sharepoint Designer Workflow

- error Research about the 0x80070003 error

Thanks for reply Fernando,

But I think it is not related any Infrastructure issue because Nintex workflow is working fine for other web application in the same farm. So may be it is related some web application config issue or some internal workflow manager issue.

Please suggest. 

Hi Rintu,

have you (or your IT) activated Nintex Workflow for that web application? As you said, on other web application it works, so maybe it could be simply a missing activation (in Nintex Workflow Settings in Central Admin)


Nintex Workflow is already activated from web application level. Even we have used 3 day ago but suddenly it's not working.

Try to publish a simple Sharepoint Designer Workflow

Have you tried deactivating and re-activating the site collection workflow features?

Already done deactivating and re-activating the site collection workflow features.But still getting same error while publishing.

Just Inform to all, Above issue was resolved know but still i am not able to find out the root cause.

Thanks to everyone.
