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When will the German helpfiles be available?

Thanks for answering

Jörgen Dalhoff

Hi Frank,

a really long pipeline ...

I can see it has been raised on uservoice - you can add votes to it here:

Jörgen -

I do apologize for the slow response on this. Unfortunately priorities have shifted and localized help will not be available for quite some time. It would help shift the priorities though if you add your voice to the UserVoice thread Cassy notes below:… 

The more people that vote for it, the higher the priority will get.


Please let me know if you have any additional translation-related questions.


after 18 month there is still no help available in German language. My users have difficulties to transfer e.g. action names from English to German. Offering a language version incl. a documentation should be normal. Now we are going to Nintex WF for SharePoint 2016 and still no help. Most users aren't employed not for their language skills. So a few people have to the work for others. I'm unhappy with the situation!

Best regards


I recently responded to a very similar enquiry - Google Translate will happily translate sites into differing languages

Unfortunately Nintex appears to block the translation tool, giving page not found, or page moved

If you cannot provide a translation, at least allow a translation tool to have access

Hi Graham,

that's a possible, helpful workaround, but there are many differences in the translation. For example:

The "Build String" action in German should be "Zeichenkette erstellen" but Google finds " Erstellen sie eine Zeichenfolge" from German to English "Zeichenkette erstellen" becomes "Create String". So it is quite difficult to find a correct result.

I think it is normal to expect helpfiles for all supported languages. Somebody has translated the UI so somebody should be able to translate the documentation.


That's interesting - my knowledge of German is very limited (I managed to order a book on the German amazon only because the buttons were all in the right place happy.png)

I agree that the help files should be translated - particularly as the UI has been done (I did not know that)
