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I am creating items in a SharePoint list through a Excel VBA macro.

The macro takes a large document, breaks it apart into 15,000 work items and creates a SharePoint list item for each of the 15,000.

I want to use Nintex workflow to check the number of items in a list.

As the macro is adding items, when the list reaches 4,500 items, can Nintex workflow move the 4,500 items to another list while and the macro continues to populate the original list until it reaches 4,500 items, and so on.

I am trying to avoid the 5,000 item throttling limit in SharePoint.

Thank you for the help.


The 5,000 item limit only is an issue with viewing data.  There is no problem with storing more than 5,000 items in a list.  Just build views that don't display more than 5,000 items and you'll be fine.  There's no need to move the records to another list.

hopefully with your amounts this is one-off action.

if so you could use 'Import Spreadsheet' application. it will be way too faster and it should be able to deal with whole document in one go.

you will find respective icon among Site content apps


You can query the list and store the result in Collection Variable. Then use collection operation control to get the count
