is it only text you see in that foreign language?
I would check site and personal regional settings.
and regional settings in browser.
if all of these are configured correctly ti seems to be a bug
It is only the initial open of the form to edit that shows the Chinese characters up the top, also when I click on New to add a list item that this shows, the other messages in pop-ups are all in English and the Nintex Workflow shows the 'Working On It' in English too, both os these being in the same site and accessed through the same browser.
I also tested this on a classic form and got the same experience with Chinese characters, all in the same site.
We are currently on version
have you checked mentioned regional settings?
are you on O365? if yes, could you check the language of the Nintex Forms app? Last time I've added it to a site, it had Japanese as default language and if I didn't change it, then I had Waiting for it written in Japanese..
If you are in this situation, you have to remove Nintex Forms app and then add it again selecting the proper language.
Hi ,
Thank you for your help, this worked perfectly.
Hi Sandy,
can you please mark this as "Answered"?
That will give Giacomo some points and since he's a helpful rockstar here, he'll appreciate it