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parseLookup runtime function does not allow users to submit mobile forums and JavaScript is not an option here.

Is there an alternative method for mobile form dropdown validations?


Can I have an example/explanation of validation required?

I have a cascading dropdown using parselookup for validation:

If the "Add New Customer..." value is selected in the dropdown then another panel will display the "Add New Customer fields"

Hide/Disable Add New Customer Panel

parseLookup(AddCustomerControl)!="Add New Customer..."

It looks like I might can just use the ID as the != value, but I do not yet know if that will work on mobile.  



Why don't you use Contains(AddCustomerControl,"Add New Customer...").

Exactly why I'm here, thank Philip, going to try this asap.

It looks like runtime functions wont work on mobile validation. Works fine for formatting.

Contains, IsNullorEmpty, Not, Or... I cant seem to get any of them to allow submission if runtime rules exist anywhere in the mobile forms. Just says fix validation issues when their are none.


Assign the validation value (Contains...) to a calculated value and add the validation rule to it.

Dear Locke V‌,

I am showing you steps where you can create a calculated value, use formula to check if the drop down contains a certain value and a validation rule on this calculated value.

It works on mobile...

Cheers... happy.png 
