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Just started working on an O365 form using the Mobile Tablet app layout. I've used a Choice column rendered as Radio buttons, which shows correctly in the designer, but when viewing the form in the app itself, the choice column shows as a dropdown list. Any experience of this and why it's happening? Interestingly, I've been testing the app on Android, but having just tested it on Windows, I do get Radio buttons.

I also created a rule to hide a panel based on the selection of a dropdown list elsewhere on the form. This doesn't seem to be working. The formula is simply Selector!="Approach". No obvious reason why this isn't working.

Also, when I tested the app with Windows, I had no ability to take photo using the attachments control, unlike the Android app that allows me to choose a file, an existing picture, take a photo etc. Inconsistencies like this will make it very difficult to develop on the app.

If anyone can tell me what other things the Mobile App struggles with, or quirks I need to know about before diving into development, I'd appreciate it. It's not been a good start for me.

I've used a Choice column rendered as Radio buttons, which shows correctly in the designer, but when viewing the form in the app itself, the choice column shows as a dropdown list

radio buttons/tabs are not supported on nintex mobile… 


I also created a rule to hide a panel based on the selection of a dropdown list elsewhere on the form. This doesn't seem to be working. The formula is simply Selector!="Approach"

use build in function instead of javascript operators for comparison

Nintex Mobile – Runtime Rules Work on Android but not on iOS, Windows or Windows Phone 

Thanks for the info.

Somewhat confusing that the Radio buttons render on the Windows mobile app but are not supported.

Also, rather than typing != I selected the Operator button with "!=" on it and it works. Not sure what the difference is there, but lesson learnt.
