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I am seeing more and more upgrade issues with NIntex.

Our Test and Prod environment now have the same versions for Nintex forms and Nintex workflows.

We recently upgraded our production with Nintex Workflow 2013 ( - English & Nintex Forms 2013 ( ). These were the versions we installed on test environment and fixed all our applications. Now with Prod updated with the same version as TEST, we are seeing Nintex form validations are not getting fired in some cases.

Any clues ?

Hi Ganesh,

maybe check you SP logs to see if there's anything there.  I have the same version as you and I'm not seeing any validation issues at the moment.


Thanks Vadim Tabakman​.

You know what,.:) i used a automated script to publish workflow after upgrade, and this particular workflow was saved in "Save" state as it was having error in one of the actions. You technically, it was using the old soon as i fixed the error, all validations worked like a charm.


Glad you got it working Ganesh.  Nicely done!!
