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I am pretty new to sharepoint and nintex so please keep that in mind. 


I want to make a textbox appear if a certain selection is choosen in a dropdown. Otherwise another textbox sould be shown. My solution was to lay them over each other and make a rule which deaktivates and hides the textbox if necessary. 


It works as long as I dont print the whole form to pdf in internet explorer, the problem is that the two fields will still be displayed when printed (see picture below). For Chrome the resultion of the form is pretty bad, for edge it works just fine but no one of my colleagues is using it... 


Another thought was to make an if funciton for the textbox but I was not able to make that work properly... 


Thanks for your help and best regards



Please be advised that Nintex does not support printing forms from a browser for SharePoint on-premise.
The enterprise edition of Nintex Forms has Print to PDF functionality for printing of forms.

Laying controls ontop of each other is not how you handle hiding controls in nintex forms. Forms aredesigned to resize when controls are removed but having controls touching stops this from happening.
