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Can someone please share the thoughts, whether it would be possible to make a Nintex form available offline for users of mobile devices.

Nintex Mobile is not an option as its design and style cannot be adapted and changed.


I thought of somehow storing the form as .xml and calling it afterwards, however I'm not sure if the Form can somehow be saved as XML, somewhere in device.

‌ did you hear back on this at all from support (if you raised it)?  How have you approached this since the original post?

Hi Maris,

I don't think there will be any offline functionality available outside of Nintex Mobile as it's one of its key features.

Nintex Forms is built on SharePoint which does not really offer offline functionality. NWC is always-on too and the new Forms designer brings awesome new features but still no offline functionality.

BUT: Nintex showcased a very nice addition to Nintex Mobile which is called custom content which will allow you to show HTML files, PDFs and other content in the app and extends customization capabilities. So I think this is the solution you're waiting for.
