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Hello Everyone!

I'm New to Forms (But have a lot of experience with Workflows)! My company just brought Forms and I started to figure out this morning. 

  • List A  is a List owned by Group A - This list contains a number of fields. One of the Fields is "Approved by Group B" 
  • List B is a List owned By Group B - This list stores data used to Approve Items from List A. This list has a Field "Approved" 

       Note: These lists live in two different sites example

      A/List A

      B/List B 

Can we Update "Approved by Group B" in List A with the data from the "Approved" field in List B?

Can we also display fields from List B in the form from List A?




To display data from a different list than the one the form is residing on then you'll use the List Lookup control or the calculated fields control (using a lookup function).  

To Update data into a different list, you will want to continue utilizing workflows to carry out that functionality.

Hopefully these pointers get you looking in the right direction!




It points me in the right direction. 

Just to confirm since this is the most important requirement for me. Can I look up from two different lists on two different site collections? 


  - let me know if that's what you were looking for.  Please mark my first answer as correct if it has answered your question.   happy.png
