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I get this error, only from one of the two webservers in the sharepoint 2013 farm.

"The form could not load due to the Nintex Forms license being corrupt or incomplete. Please contact your administrator to correct this issue."

I am waiting response from the nintex support team. Incase someone in the community have faced this issue. Please share what you have done to resolve the issue.

Since this is a production, i don't have the bandwidth to do trial and error.

In your case you should send the name of your 2 webservers to generate licences.

Fernando is right, this occurred to me when I did not have a license for the other server.

I think, i should have mentioned, that I have been running nintex forms 2013 on this farm for the last 1.5 years, and understand the licensing model.

This happens when there is a spike in CPU usage.

Please see my response to Fernando. thats not the issue, the farm is correctly licensed. Its the spike in CPU usage that causes this issue.

Thanks for your response. If it was a timing, issue, then we should have it across the farm, not isolated to one of the two webservers we have.

The issue does not appear on the same webserver always, today it happened on one of them tomorrow it would be the other.

The only common factor we see is that there is some relation with the timer job "Nintex Workflow Scheduler".

What i mean by that is, immediately BEFORE the first issue gets reported, the above timer job would have missed a couple of its schedules. When it is scheduled to run every 5 mins. NintexForms-Issue.png

I have attached the screen shot from timer job history for reference.

Case raised with Nintex#: ref:_00D90q6Cb._50090ufQnv:ref

The response for this case was upgrading to the latest version. But thats not a good response. Hence tryin the community for help.

We are on the following versions.

Nintex Workflow 2013: / DB Version:

Nintex Forms 2013:

Hi Joe,

i'm facing the same issue. A working Nintex installation of Workflow and Forms stopped working with the message you mentioned of "license corrupted ..." I got the error 3 more times put in the first 2 cases the issue dissapeared without giving me time to check. But this time the issue persists and i'm still waiting for the support.

Did you ever solve the problem?



Nintex support advise was to upgrade to atleast version:

As per release notes: Nintex Forms 2013 - Release Notes

You can see under the product version: Release date: 7th May 2015

"Fixed issue where some demonstration licenses could not be updated during their valid duration. (00060321)"

But our license is not demonstration license. Any way this is way forward.

Upgrading to this version on one of our test servers, broke some of the lookup fields in the form. Troubleshooting this with the Nintex Support engineer at the moment.

Edited 16-Sep-2015 : The actual reference from Release notes is: "Problem with licence keys after an IIS Reset resolved. (00077124)"

Oh,  great and i am all ready on version and we too have not a demonstration license on the productive system!

Thanks for you're replay, and hopefully we can solve the issue with the Nintex Support.



Hi Joe,

for now we soved the problem with a uninstall and a new install of the Nintex Forms and importing the license already used. The error disappeared. I'm not sure if the solution is permanent but for now i can use NF again.


The issue with the Nintex Forms 2013 have been confirmed as a bug from Nintex Support.

Nintex support is planning to provide us a hotfix to fix the nintex license issue, instead of upgrading to the latest version.

More updates once I hear back from Nintex.

I can confirm that we are seeing this also in our farm as well this morning. Not sure why, but hopefully this bug is corrected soon.



I was able to resolve this problem on our end by doing an IISRESET on our web front end. Thanks fully it was lunch time so not too many people would notice. Hope this helps...




so it looks like our case is solved, after reinstalling NF and 2 weeks of iisreset every morning wink.png . The Nintex Support told me your case is a bit different so the hotfix wasn't a solution for us but what we did is:

Rename a TypeName in the [NW2013DB].[dbo].[CustomContextData] table from "Sharepoint.LiveForms" to "SharePoint.LiveForms"

After running this script please verify the name change then perform an IISRESET.

After 2 weeks of not having the issue i think i can say this solved my problem!

Hope you're on a good point too wink.png


This is the same workaround, that is offered to us by Nintex Support.

We have not pushed this to our environment. I will update, what our observations are when we push this into Production.

Pretty strange, we are updating Nintex Workflow Config Database for an issue with Nintex Forms. sad.png

Also this is not replcable on demand.

In the interim I have put a powershell script which is scheduled to run every 5 mins,

1) That will inspect the ULS logs file if the issue is found

2) Remove the Web Server from the load balancer

3) Wait for 120 secs

4) Do an iisreset

5) Wait for 120 secs

6) Add the server back to load balancer

Looks like the hotfix to update the assemblyname in the nintexworkflow config database has resolved the problem. Since the hotfix update two weeks ago we have not had the issue so far. Guess this hotfix worked for us.
