I have a list on a page with a column "Loop" containing integer (number of time the items has been treated) and a column "Reason for loop" containing a choice list.
Loops is already filled and I want the user to edit the item via the form and to select a reason for the loop.
In the form, I want to disable the Save button if (Loop>0 and Reason for Loop have no choice selected).
I already do this disable with other fields and it works fine but not with the choice control. For the purpose of testing, I try to disable Save only if the user made no choice in Reason for Loop.
I added a rule on the Save button with:
ReasonforLoop == ""
ReasonforLoop == "Please select a value..."
None are working. Does anybody have an idea to write the correct formula?
PS: I could use validation on reason for loop but disabeling the save button is a much more elegent solution in my opinion.
Ce message a été modifié par : Romain condat