Hi All,
Please i need a help between Niontex Forms and Nintex WF variables pass, would you please let me know if we could pass variables from Nintex WF to Nintex forms.
The purpose of the question is:
I want to have a link (better to be buttons) for the task action (approve/reject/complete...etc) in the list item itself, so users should not follow the emails for taking actions, what workaround i did is using Nintex WF, when i have a task, lets say flexi task, i put a parallel action with query list to the tasks list, this will get the pending task and i set it into a hyperlink list item
It works well, but the issue when i have a flexi task that has group of pople and they all should take action, the task that i have set inseide teh list item is the recent one (for only one user), so other users when they open the list item
will have no ability to take action!
What i'm thinking is to make the query list more advanced by specifying the all pending tasks related to this item with assigned person from tasks list, and store all the values in custom list columns, and in nintex forms depend on current logged in user to show or hide teh task related to him/her. But i felt its not a solid silution,
So i'm thinking of dynamic check on form load in nintex forms, to get teh current pending tasks related to current logged in user and show a button or a link for approve/reject
Anyone can help plzzzz :(