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I have a column "C" which must be completed if column "A" and "B" both equal yes. I have put a validation on column "C"

ColumnA!="To be confirmed"&&ColumnB!="To be confirmed"

When I preview and try to save without filling in column "C" it prompts me to complete the column with a red box and message, the problem occurs when I type in column "C", it wont let me save the form, just keeps telling me column "C" needs to be completed??

Choice options for column A and B are "To be confirmed" and "Yes"

Column C is free text

Not at a machine to check syntax but think you need to add isnull(columnc) - there is a function to check if is null and then used named control. Hope that makes some sense. At the minute you're saying it's invalid if a and b equal those values but that is only true when c is empty - does that make sense?

yeah so when A and B equal "yes" C must be completed.

ah got it

isNullOrEmpty({Self})&&columnA!="To be confirmed"&&columnb!="To be confirmed"

Yes!! Exactly what I meant... nicely done happy.png 
