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Hi All,

I have a nintex form that captures some data from a requestor. Once submitted a workflow gets initiated based on that data.

Based on what I am seeing, after I submit the form, the page spins for up to 30 secs. When I monitor things in the background, it looks like the form does not redirect users to a confirmation page until a whole heap of workflow actions have completed successfully.

Why does it do this? Is the Form not decoupled from the workflow? I don't understand this behaviour. Seems to me the form should submit and tell the user it has been submitted before any subsequent workflow actions even begin?


add a pause action at the very beginning of the workflow.

see this blog for reasoning  

Ah. I never understood the logic behind why this was recommended until now.

I will give it a try.

thank you.

Hi ‌, so did this help and were you able to resolve your issue?
