I have encountered an error with Sharepoint 2016 and Nintex which is very similar to this old issue: https://community.nintex.com/t5/Nintex-for-SharePoint/Nintex-forms-is-throwing-error-quot-The-attempted-operation-is/td-p/41760
We have a library with over 5000 items, and while I have all the views setup to filter and function with large lists - the Nintex form itself is still broken. I can view the our list, no problem, I can open up a document set, no problem, and I can even click "Edit Properties" which opens up our Custom Nintex form, no problem.
However, when I click "Save" on the Custom Nintex form it throws the error of: The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator.
I don't know why clicking save on the form itself seems to be hitting the errors associated with the 5000 item limit. Anyone have any ideas? I am trying to see if there is some javascript that I could employ to save the form, without triggering some sort of behind the scenes view that hits the 5000 threshold.