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I am receiving the attached error message when publishing the nintex form. Can anyone help? I have raised a Nintex support ticket. How long is the normal response?

Hi Michelle,

I think Nintex support is the right approach ..Couple of things you could also check till the time you get a response from them ..

1) Is your Nintex forms licensing activated?

2) Is all your Nintex features activated at the site level?

3) ULS logs should be able to give you more insights on the error.



Do you face this problem on all Nintex Forms or just a specific one? I saw strange errors like this when a customer never had created a single Nintex Forms Database.

Another thing I would check is if the SharePoint site belongs to the "trusted sites" or "intranet" zone in Internet Explorer settings.

Is this a fresh installation or do other Forms work?

Nintex support times are dependant on your support level. With regular Software Assurance you can expect a response within one or two days. With premium support you get a guaranteed response time of 8 hours within business days.

Platinum support guarantees you a response within 4 hours during the whole week.
