I have Nintex workflow with Nintex forms. In my workflow , i only have an assign flexi task.
Task forms have you can delegate this task to another person with hyperlink.
If i click on delegate hyper link, which is redirect to delagate task URL but the page is broken.
I just check on the delegate url, which contain prefix url adding with my two domain name
Delegate link URL:
but web URL is:
But if i use delegate link in the email content, i dont have issue, but when i using inside Nintex form, i am getting URL prefix issue.
So it should display delegate link http://testingsite.abc.com/_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/DelegateTask.aspx?ID=7677&List=40e7158e-990c-4f71-ad6e-255
instead of
where can i change delegate setting in the sharepoint central admin or Site collection level.
Please assist me.