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Hi Folks,

We had an issue a short while back where millions of WorkflowProgressRecords were rapidly created in the Nintex Content Database along with millions of list items on a site collection in our farm. The offending workflow has been stopped and after a lot of cleanup, defragging, and indexing, there are still a great deal of failing workflows in other site collections on the farm (mine included). My engineer is suggesting we put my site collection on its own Nintex Content Database. I sent him the link to Content Database but I wanted to ask if there are any issue we should expect with regards to current running workflows. Should I expect them all to fail or error out?

What are the "gotchas" we should be on the lookout for?



My site collection's Nintex Content Database was split out to its own db last night and everything seems to be working fine so far with no hitches and much better performance. This is a relief to be sure.

Hi Agron Bauta,

Same instance, same lun. We have seen more issues with timeout errors so we are working on moving the db to another lun.
