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When I did the lab for the InfoPath integration, I got K2 to add a taskpane to the InfoPath form that included the Next Recipient Information field like below. Now I would like to use it in a custom process, but following the instructions for the lab, I cannot make this field appear on the custom taskpane added to IP by K2 (all I see is the submit button).

Is there a small option I didn't check somewhere?

Thanks in advance.
With the introduction of Managed Code in InfoPath (SP1) K2 reworked the Task Pane to incorporate the optimizations available with Managed Code, and as part of this exercise removed the Comments Block from the Task Pane.

This change is aimed at giving the developer more flexibility around the use of comments and does not impose the limitations of the task pane area.

As an alternative, include a Comments Field as part of the InfoPath document.
