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Any ideas on this K2 crew?


Had a Smartobject and forms working great for weeks.

Now the idiotic (i mean customer) wants an extra field adding (Email Address) to the form.


I added the field in the Smartobject and changed the forms to include this new field.


However when i do a SAVE METHOD, under Input Mapping the new field does not appear. Also on the Server looking at the SQL Table for the Smartobject, the new field isn't appearing there either.


Not sure what to do. I checked in the form and views etc, but still wont let me do a SAVE METHOD within the form as no entry in Input Mapping for Email addresss

Refresh the SQL Service instance trhough smartobject tester.

How do you do that? I opened smartobject tester, but where next?

When you open, the tester you will see two catagories normall, service object explorer and smartobject explorer. Go to the service object explorer, then go to SQL Server Service. Expand that and then find you database name under that node. Then right click and clcik refresh service instance.


Then edit your smarobject, you will see the additonal field and map that to a smartobejct field.

You should be able to right click the service and refresh




Tried that, but no joy.


There is no DB under SQL Server Service


My Table is under SmartBox Service. - I did refresh on Smartbox Service itself, but still no change
