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a few days ago I started having problems with the destination users in my workflow, they started complaning that they couldn't see their tasks. Today I took a couple of hours and I found out why...

Since the department that uses this application has constant employee changes I've built a solution that instead of using directly the AD users uses the user roles defined in the Sharepoint portal that users use to access the K2 tasks.

Because the portal can be accessed for over 4000 people there's a process that updates the portal user, and role, information from the AD.
What I found out today is that instead of being registered as mynetbiosnameuser, the users are now registered as mydomain1.mydomain2.comuser. So when the K2 process builds the destination list uses the second definition instead of the first, and the users don't see their tasks.

Is there anyway to solve this through K2? I've tried to look into the Active Directory objects in .Net and I haven't been very successfull to find any usefull information.

I'm using SP3.

Nuno Figueiredo

Since you have the users in the domain.domainUsername format, can't you do a simple string replace to substitute the domain.domain with the netbios name before you add your destinations in your activity?

The only challenge would be if you are using multiple domains because then you need to verify from which domain the user is. However the DNS domain name will be unique so even this would not be difficult.

I hope this helps.


Hi JohanL,

that was the solution that i've implemented... I've built an API that uses a windows API to check the user in the AD. The return object includes a property that contains the netbios name of the domain, so i use that to map the user.

Nuno Figueiredo
