Hello Jaime,
Have a action called Query List in your site workflow to get the items from specified list. Here you can filter the items to get only Remind me date column = current date.
Get IDs of items and store the result in collection type variable (ColID).
Use foreach loop to loop through each ID from ColID, and update that item's column Reminder to Yes.
You can have the Reminder column default choice would be No (if Reminder column is yes/no type), so that you don't need to update all items from your workflow.In case this is not approachable in your requirement then remove the filter from Query List action. So by this you will get all items from the list.
Loop through each ID and use if condition to check Remind me date column is having current date. if yes update the Reminder column to Yes. If No update the Reminder column to No.
As I showed you, the main idea is to set a Collection Variable, the use a ForEach and inside it you can get your items by ID, and you are ready to compare your Date column with the current date.
Please ley me know if it has worked.
Have a nice day
This is the issue I'm having now. The condition is never true in the workflow. When I make my "Todays_Date_Var" and set is as todays' date in the settings, when it is compared in the workflow the variable is carrying the time along with it. There is no setting when creating the variable to just store the date and not the date and time. So when I look at the History Log for troubleshooting the field values are as followed and because of this they will never equal each other. Is there something I'm missing. I cannot use the >= value because if this is true then another action is required. Anyone, your thoughts....?
instead of comparing to workflow data and a variable, compare to workflow context, current date.
Now that worked Perfect. Thank you
great! be sure to mark this thread as answered Jaime Soto
I'm aware and Cassy has helped with one of my issues however my work flow is hanging up in a loop. What Cassy assisted with works for a signal record. Are you suggesting I close this and open another?
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Sometimes rephrasing the question helps to get more answers in the case where a previous answer didn't quite get you where you needed to be. Although if you want the most attention, new posts always work well.
Jaime Soto I have replied to your private email - hope it makes sense.
I like one issue per thread---makes selecting a correct answer apply to the subject of the post.
Cassy thank you for your assistance. I need to get acquainted with the action items for NINTEX. I was thinking to much along the ways of convectional programming. This is the final and working workflow. Thanks again. For the readers this is a site workflow that reads a list daily and sends a notification and updates an item based on the Alert Me Date equaling the current dates.
Glad to be of assistance and pleased you worked it out.