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There are forms/views that are referencing the SharePoint 2010 SmartObjects. Is there a way to package and deploy 2010 SmartObjects.




For example:
Environment 1 (source):
6 Smart Object linked to SharePoint 2010 Lists
3 Smart Forms

Environment 2 (target):
Need a way to move everything to Environment 2.

I wanted to move SharePoint List with datasmart objectssmart formsviews etc. Smart form and Views are very huge so we don't want to configure everything again.







i) Create a SharePoint 2010 site on target environment and active K2 for SharePoint 2010 features on the site.
ii) Import the list templates to the target site and create the SP lists with the same SP list internal name/Display Name (i.e. you can get the SP list internal name by navigating to List Settings of the SP list and take notice of the list url).
iii) SharePoint 2010 Service Instance (SharePoint Service V2) needs to create manually with the same SystemGUID to match source environment SharePoint 2010 Service Instance.






iv) Create K2 Package containing forms/view/SmartObjects from the source environment and deploy to target environment. Configure to use existing service instance when deploying the K2 package to target environment.



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