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I create the list, create the form then I Preview.  What I see when I do the preview is a lot different than what I see when I design the form.  For example, I see 2 spaces between a field, but when I preview it is over the field above it or below.  I then have to put in maybe a inch to be able to see the form in Preview properly.  Is it not WSywig?

I have fields running over fields, I can't get the information close enough.  The Submit button at the bottom may be 4 inches after the form fields etc.?  Any ideas?

Hi Torey,

could it be that rules are hiding/showing controls when you preview the form?

I have found if you have controls that are overlapping, even a tiny bit, then when hiding controls, the repositioning of the controls seems to go whacky.  Does this sound like it could be it?

I generally add a tiny gap between controls, and that seems to resolve it for me.

If that's not it, are you able to export and share your form here?

