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Is it possible to add multiple client events to the same activity? The designer does not allow this (I assume because of the BlackPearl concept of Actions/Outcomes linked to line routing from the Activity)?

Is there a way to force this?


I don't know of a way to force multiple client events into an activity. 

What is the scenario that you're trying to accomplish with 2 client events in a single activity?



You may have a very good reason, but why not using two activities?
I think this question could lead us down the path to figure out some cool stuff. Gabe, are you looking for different client events based on the need for different forms? Different Destination criteria?  or other?  Let us know


Although this could be an interesting topic, in this scenario I purely want to be able to add multiple client events to a activity - for 'transactional', grouped escalation, reporting... whatever the reason might be.

G 2003 used to let us do this?  you want different event types too, but within the same activity for some reason (although this could obviously be accomplished with another activity instead, it seems pointless having a whole new activity?)

Edit: sorry i was referring to different types of events, not multiple Client Events (will read the topic title more carefully next time!).
