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I don't understand how to parse the content of my request SMO in a multi value field. On my request form I have a checkbox control from which the user can select from about 10 choices. The smart form creates the record and the multi value field has the following contents - I had to replace the arrow parenthesis with normal ones for this ticket :

(collection)(object parentid="4b89f6eb-fc81-42af-8e9e-d68511c74c9b" parenttype="Object")
(field name="ID")(value)1(/value)(/field)
(field name="ID")(value)3(/value)(/field)
(field name="ID")(value)6(/value)(/field)

Now in Blackpearl I need to process this information. Unfortunately this is not like with single value data fields and I don't find any function for this. For each of the values I need to run a SMO call but how can this be done? Since Multivalue is a standard datatype in K2 I expect the corresponding functionality built in somewhere.


This can be done with a different control


Instead of using the Checkbox list control, you can use the Choice Control and set it to display as a Checkbox list control - then perhaps use a split function to get the required information you need for your new process.

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