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My K2 app (using VB) uses an Infopath form to initiate the workflow, and I have a problem with it.

In the form there is a repeating table, and when it is filled out the user can insert items and add additional nodes of that repeating table. The repeating table node consists of userid, name, status, comments.

When the approval activity starts, an instance (slot) is created for each person added in the repeating table. When one user clicks the approve button, it needs to save the xml schema for that user's node only. In other words, if A and B receive the task, and A approves it, the approval goes into both the A & B nodes. How do I get it to write just to the node matching the userid?

I want to make sure I completely understand

1. A prior step is creating a repeating list of users to send for review
2. Slots are created for each of the users in the repeating list
3. The first user completes the activity all of the repeating nodes are marked approved

Do I have it correct?

I am assuming this is custom code you have written. Is that correct?

Can you post the custom code?
