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Hello Everyone,


I need a help for one of my critical task. I am looking for an multiple row edit in a listview of the K2 form. In K2 currently we can edit only one row and can save. But is there anyway to edit multiple rows and save at a time? That means, on click of some button(edit) I need to enable all editable textboxs in all rows to modify text in it. Later when i click on Save, all the data from all textboxes should save at a time into DB. Please check the below image for reference. Please let us know if this can be achievable in the K2 smart forms.





Thanks for your help in advance.






Dear ,


From my small experience , there is nothing to do to achieve this requirment ,

best scenario is to edit 1 row at a time , and save button to save all changes made on the rows at once .



Please let me know if there has been any solution to this problem till now. Or it is still open?
