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Hi Everyone,

I've just started with Nintex so a bit of help would be great.  Here is what I'm trying to achieve:

I have a list of which has the following (as well as others, but those are not important)

  •    Due Date (Date)
  •    Reference Number (Unique) (Text)
  •    Date Received (Date)
  •    Assigned to (person or Group)

What would like to do is one day before the due date, I would like to send an email to the person listed in the "Assigned to" field with ALL the "Reference Number"  and its "Due Date" and "Date Received" that is associated to this person.

So for example

Michael Smith has the following:

Reference #: 1

Due Date: 01/10/2017

Date Received: 01/ 01/2017

Reference #: 2

Due Date: 01/10/2017

Date Received: 01/ 01/2017

I would like to send Michael Smith the following email :

Hi Michael Smith

You have the following due on 01/01/2017

Reference #: 1

Due Date: 01/10/2017

Date Received: 01/ 01/2017

List Item URL: LiList Item URL]]

Reference #: 2

Due Date: 01/10/2017

Date Received: 01/ 01/2017

List Item URL: LiList Item URL]]

I've read through some examples on this forum and on the web and here is what I've got:

I have a date calculation with current date + 1.  This gives me the due date (one day prior to the due date)

I have a query and in it I filter out the due date to equal whatever the date calculation gives me

In the "Field" section of the Query List, I pull out the Due Date, Assigned to, Date Received, Reference Number, URL into its own collection variable.

So now the Assigned to would have duplicates, so I've created a collection Operation to remove duplicates from the date stored in the Assigned to collection variable  and store it into another NoDuplicate collection variable

Then I have a "For Each".  In it, I use the "NoDuplicate" in the target and then store it in a single text variable called "AssignedtoSingle" variable

After this part, I'm lost.  I tried creating a collection operation for each of the variable, but they are not collecting the correct information, I'm guessing because I'm using the "NoDuplicate" variable.  but I don't know how to go around it so that I'm not getting duplicates.

I'm not sure if this make sense.  any help would be greatly appreciate it. 

thank you.

I think it is better if you can user flexi task control. The reminder option is built-in that control. You dont need to worry about any of the issues above.


If you want to stick to the same, you  can store the values into a collection variable.

Each field will be stored in separate collection variable. And you can use collection operation in a foreach loop to get the field value for each record.

Didn't  get how you get duplicates, each record field is stored in the collection variable.

Re: Duplicates; They're getting duplicates in the Assigned To collection variable because they can have a single person have multiple assignments. So, they can't just send an email per, because a single person would get duplicate emails. So basically, they want to query the list for "Assigned To is Unique" and "Due Date is Tomorrow".

I did kind of this in a site workflow. I query the list for where due date == tomorrow (today ++) and have it output the Assigned to Name. Then I do the "remove duplicates" collection action. Then, for each assigned to, I query the list again for where due date == tomorrow and assigned to == [currentAssignedTo]. Then you've got your collection in a user oriented/specific way and you should be able to do what you want.


in this case I usually add a sorting to my Query List action, in this case it will be sorted by Assigned To,

then I don't remove duplicates from assignees collection but I store the previous value in a variable and for each iteration I check if the variable contains the same assigne, I can update my text variabile that will contains the text of the email, if the variable has a different value, I'll send the email to the previous user, update the variable and blank the email text variable in order to start storing new information for the new assignee..

I've just published a blog post on how I've built this kind of solution in similar situation: Send grouped notification based on list items, hope this can help 

